An Inter-house Quiz competition was organized by the school on May 28 ,2019. The Quiz began with the introduction of the contestants and explanation of the rules by the Quizmaster Aditya Charan Singh of class 8th. The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing, exciting and made the audience go ‘Aah!’ and clap when the teams answered correctly. The audience also got a chance to participate every time the teams answered incorrectly. Every round was a mixed bag with questions from history , Constitution and geography. The final round, the Rapid-fire round gave the teams a chance to catch up with leaders and put-up a tough fight. A range of emotions were felt in the auditorium– happiness, sadness, regret and excitement. Everyone waited with baited breath for the announcement of the final scores. Abdul kalam House won the Quiz Competition scoring 90 points followed by Ramajunan House with 70points. Mother Terasa House and Kalpana Chawla House were ti...